Being educated

Thank you so much to all my friends who keep me educated.
Since I was not really online active since the quarantine began and was not even reading things a lot being so exhausted from the work.
Just having started thinking of better life for myself seriously (yea I finally got determined to quit my current job asap), I came back a little to the online last week, and now this. So many powerful statements of my friends around the world make me educated, empowered and they make me feel that I want to learn more and more, use my time for the things that I really care, and get myself back, again. Thank you.

#blacklivesmatter #listen #beeducated

“Dallas Buyers Club”/『ダラス・バイヤーズ・クラブ』(2013)

The simple reason why I reached this film was Jared Leto‘s beautiful speech at the Oscar.

※スピーチ全文文字起こしはコチラ  (アカデミー賞の公式サイトでは、過去の受賞者のスピーチ等のデータベースがいつでも検索・閲覧できるようになっています。素敵。)

It is a nice film to get aware that it sometimes takes so much time till the people in need can finally reach the right treatment, unless ‘intelligent’ people are always determined to carry out justice for others rather than their own self-interest.

#HIV #AIDS #エイズ #homophobia #ホモフォビア
#transgender #トランスジェンダー #movie #映画 #感想 #Oscar #アカデミー賞

投票先が決まる時 / When you finally decide who to vote for

(日本語 / English ←Click to jump!)













Tomorrow, people are going to have a really important election in Japan, which is for electing the members of the House of Councillors (“Sangiin” in Japanese).

Not everybody living in Japan, since having Japanese nationality is necessary for voting, but many people over 18 years old would go voting tomorrow, July 10th. The early voting had already started though.

I guess many people have been seriously concerned about politics and realized the importance of voting because of the recent political situation, both domestic and international.  Brexit was a really shocking news for many people in Japan as well as in other countries.

But at the same time a lot of people may have been confused about politics and discouraged to vote, because of the severe conflict between the conservative and the progressive ideologies around the world.

I do know that information on internet is too much complicated. There are so many shabby false rumors and slanders which just offend politicians and make people confused.

But just don’t forget, what kind of society YOU want to have.
I’m sure that it is nice to talk with somebody around you about voting or ask somebody about politics if you’ve been too much confused and tired to think about it.

You don’t have to be forced to discuss with others, but you don’t have to stay alone to think about it as well.
Don’t hesitate to express your mind, and please don’t give up to think about politics.


#GoVote #選挙