The Films Archive / 映画・ドラマ(鑑賞済み)

*The list of the films I’ve watched ever since I was born.
*Animation films are not perfectly included…

Back to the future 1-3 [1985-1990]★
ET  [1982]★
AMADEUS  [1984]
Jurassic Park 1-2?  [1993-1997]
Space Jam  [1996]
The Miracle Worker (奇跡の人)  [1962]
I am Sam  [2001]
The Six Sense  [1999]
AI  [2001]
Road of the Ring 1-3  [2001-2003]
JUMANJI  [1995]
千と千尋の神隠し (Spirited Away)  [2001]★
Harry Potter 1-3  [2001-2004] ★
Spiderman 1-2  [2002, 2004]
Pirates of the Caribbean 1-2?  [2003, 2006]
Edward Scissorhands(シザーハンズ)[1990]
おくりびと  [2008]
ヴィヨンの妻 〜桜桃とタンポポ〜 [2009]
THE 有頂天ホテル [2006]
私は貝になりたい [2008]
デスノート [2006]
デスノート the Last name [2006]
L change the world [2008]
人のセックスを笑うな [2007]
それでも僕はやってない [2006]
グーグーだって猫である [2008]
ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日 [2005]
サウスバウンド [2007]
間宮兄弟 [2006]
Burlesque [2010]
Les Misérables [2012]
探偵はBARにいる [2011]
るろうに剣心 []
ウォーター・ボーイズ [2001]
MILK [2008] ★
シン・ゴジラ [2016]
君の名は。(Your Name.) [2016]
her [2013]
Finding Nemo [2003] ★
Harry Potter 4-8 [2005-2011]★
Love Actually [2003]★
Toy Story 3 [2010]
Finding Dory [2016]
Inception [2010]
Twelve Years a Slave(それでも夜は明ける)[2013]
Sister Act(天使にラブソングを) [1992]
Omar Mukhtar -Lion of the Desert- [1981]
Beauty and the Beast (Live action) [2017]
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape [1993]
Schindler’s List [1993]
Catch Me If You Can [2002]
Dallas Buyers Club [2013]
Forrest Gump [1994]
Titanic [1997]
まほろ駅前多田便利軒 [2011]★
Before Sunrise [1995] ★
The Reader(愛を読むひと)[2008]★
The Grand Budapest Hotel [2014]
64-ロクヨン- [2016]
What We Do in the Shadow [2014]★
The Greatest Showman [2017]
The Brothers Grimm [2005]
The Truman Show [1998]
Snowden [2016]
School of Rock [2003]★
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny [2006]
Big Hero 6 [2014]★
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [2004]
ハウルの動く城 (Howl’s Moving Castle) [2002]★
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [2005]
Mr.Nobody [2009]
Before Sunset [2004]★
Ready Player One [2018]★
Loving Vincent [2017]
택시운전사 (A Taxi Driver) [2017]
The Wolf of Wall Street [2013]
Moana  [2016]
The Danish Girl  [2015]
Coco (リメンバー・ミー)  [2017]
Suffragette (未来を花束にして)  [2015] ★
Incredibles  [2014]
Incredibles 2  [2018]
Swiss Army Man  [2016]★
Notting Hill  [1999]
Shawshank Redemption  [1994]★
Total Eclipse  [1995]
The Dark Knight  [2008]★
22 July  [2018]
Crazy Rich Asians  [2018]
Lost in Translation  [2003]
10 things I hate about you  [1999]★
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them  [2016]
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald  [2018]★
RENT  [2005]
Die Hard  [1988]★
Love, Simon  [2018]
ミックス。 [2017]
The King’s Speech  [2010]
あん  [2015]
Black Rain  [1989]
Slumdog Millionaire  [2008]★
Call Me by Your Name  [2017]★
La la land  [2016]★
Inglorious Bastards  [2009]
The Imitation Game  [2014]
The Perks of being a Wallflower  [2012]
JOKER  [2019]
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button  [2008]
Stand by Me  [1986]
The Social Network  [2010]
Beautiful Boy  [2018]★
カメラを止めるな  [2017]
Intouchables  [2011]★
기생충  (Parasite)  [2019]★
Okja  [2017]
Marriage Story  [2019]★
The Terminal  [2004]
The Two Popes  [2019]★
Snowpiercer  [2013]
Contagion  [2011]★
his  [2020]
GO  [2001]★
Kramer vs. Kramer  [1979]
Ghostbusters  [1984]
Independence Day  [1996]
Iron Man  [2008]
The Incredible Hulk  [2008]
Citizen Kane  [1941]
BlacKkKlansman  [2018]
The Half of It  [2020]
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest [1975] ★
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty [2013]
Little Women [2019] ★
Wonder [2017]
The Public [2018] ★


●Drama/Animation series
風のガーデン [2008]★
龍馬伝 [2010]
あまちゃん [2013]
Nのために [2010]
若者たち2014 [2014]
アルジャーノンに花束を [2015]
空飛ぶ広報室 [2013]
カルテット [2017]★
逃げるは恥だが役に立つ [2016]★
おんな城主 直虎 [2017]
Big Mouth [2017-]
Stranger Things [2016-]
全裸監督 [2019-]
美少女戦士セーラームーン (無印・R・Sシリーズ) [1992-1995] ★


●Documentary films/series
Queer Eye [2018-]★
Ugly Delicious [2018-]★
Before the Flood [2016]
A Secret Love [2020]
13th [2016]★
Michael Jackson’s This is It [2009]

Author: rei2017blog

born in 1989.

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