“Little Women”(2019) : Female Relationship, Secret Thoughts exploding

Just want to make sure that I am not faking anything..

I have faked too much…

That is what I was thinking when I reached to the point that I cannot stop crying while watching the film today at the theater.

But besides, no matter how faithful I have been to myself or not enough,
here is what this movie taught me,

women are great, and being a woman is amazing.

I should watch this film over and over again whenever I find any kind of misogyny towards myself. I am sure that then I can forget about it.

Though I was crying for almost the whole time in the latter half of the movie,
the first scene that made me cry was the scene where Jo stayed with Beth on the shore and read a story for her.
Then I realized that what I had been touched from the entire “something” of this movie besides the story line was that..

I miss women, I miss all my female friends and female friendship.

The beautiful soul of each of the sisters and their relationships, and the MOTHER played by Laura Dern…
It just truly made me realize how female relationship has been important to me.

As a 30 year old who got ‘married’ with a male partner (*Technically I am not ‘married’ though. We only have common-law marriage relationship to avoid changing surname) and is currently struggling in decision making for my career,
there are just too many things that hit me in this film and they were literally everything that I am worried of and I question in my daily life right now.

It is not easy to share my true feelings as being a woman with him,
I wonder if I have been really faithful to myself,
I wonder if I have been faking myself or faking something to him..
I sometimes truly believe I would be a different person if I get out of this home..

What if.. I chose the different option
What if I had an idea being partners with a woman
What if…

This film is such an ‘evil’ that pulls all of these secret thoughts of mine into tears.

I am so glad that I went to see this one at the theater today.
I am sure that this would stay as one of the most important films for me and I will be inspired forever.
Thank you so so so much to all the creators for delivering this story to the world.

There are some natures too lofty to bend.

― Margaret “Marmee” March  (“Little Women” 2019 )

#movie #justwatched #映画 #感想 #Little Women #ストーリーオブマイライフ #わたしの若草物語 #女性 #姉妹 #女同士

“The Half of It” /『ハーフ・オブ・イット』(2020)

Let’s just save the words that Ellie Chu delivered right here.


Love isn’t patient and kind and humble.
Love is.. messy. And horrible and selfish and.. bold.
It’s not finding your perfect half.
It’s the trying, reaching, and failing.
Love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance at a great one.

—  Ellie Chu  ( “The Half of It” [2020] )




Ellieという “言葉のdeliverer” が輝くこの作品に、とても勇気づけられます。



Here are also some great words from the actress Leah Lewis, who played her :

“Most people think a love story has an equation, and that’s usually boy meets girl, girl meets boy, or girl meets girl,”

“It’s a self-love story because these characters don’t really end up with each other, but at the very end, they end up with something. For me, that’s even more valuable than just finding your other half; it’s finding a part of yourself along the way. It is a love story, it’s just not a ‘romance’ story.”

— Leah Lewis ( Teen Vogue,”  2020-05-01 )


There are so many ways to “love”.


Big respect to the writer, director of the story, Alice Wu.
Ellie’s story is now seen by millions of people, and so many people are feeling safe, because of your work that you tried to deliver your own story out to this world.


When I’m writing, I never think to myself,
“What will the audience think about this?”
The really interesting question is,
“What is the thing you’re dying to say through this character?”
Because you’re the only person who can write that thing.
So write that thing. Don’t write the thing that somebody else could write.

— Alice Wu  ( “Netflix Film Club,” 2020-05-07 )




#映画 #感想 #ブログ #quotes #セリフ #名言 #ハーフ・オブ・イット #物書き #philosophy #アート #Art #Asiangirl #移民 #immigrants #LGBTQ+ #selflove #Netflix #ネットフリックス

人権について語るのは誰か - “Transwomen are women” -


                                                                                   ―  @mlookslike_ さん





*The primary sources of the amazing statements from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff :

– from Dan

– from Eddie





#TranswomenAreWomen #TransmenAreMen #JKrowling #Harrypotter #DanielRadcliffe #EddieRedmayne #lgbtq #TransgenderRights #ハリー・ポッター #J・K・ローリング #トランスジェンダー #アライ #pride #pridemonth

“Dallas Buyers Club”/『ダラス・バイヤーズ・クラブ』(2013)

The simple reason why I reached this film was Jared Leto‘s beautiful speech at the Oscar.

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It is a nice film to get aware that it sometimes takes so much time till the people in need can finally reach the right treatment, unless ‘intelligent’ people are always determined to carry out justice for others rather than their own self-interest.

#HIV #AIDS #エイズ #homophobia #ホモフォビア
#transgender #トランスジェンダー #movie #映画 #感想 #Oscar #アカデミー賞