Keep a Diary

As I keep writing here constantly, I remember how well I could sort out my mind and could even encourage myself day after day by writing a diary when I was a high school student. That was in the era before we started using social networking services and I had my own blog. Now I’m writing here like then, being a little bit away from Facebook and Twitter.

I’m not saying that SNSs are not good. Rather I’d like to say, Facebook and Twitter are still great and they can play important roles in our society, especially to let people share their knowledge and learn from each other.
But we sometimes have a moment that we don’t particularly need to share the thoughts with other people but want to write them down to try not to forget them. In recent years I’ve been quite afraid that I’m getting so forgetful. Probably because of my age? lol I can’t remember well even about my favorite music or movie if I am not really in to it right now. I feel so sad when I do remember that I liked something but can’t come up with what they were. 😥
That’s why I tried to use Facebook more than before, but I don’t feel comfortable every time because I somehow need to care about people’s reaction to my statement and what I’m going to post there doesn’t seem to be my “real” feeling.  If I just want not to forget my feelings, having them real is more important than writing them acceptably.

But I still prefer writing them on blog to on my notebooks because I can search for my old memories wherever I am and also I can force myself to try to write them in “linguistically” correctly as much as I can, which means to write in correct English for now. 😉

CONSENT, it’s simple as tea (日本語ver.)

This video, created in 2015 by Thames Valley Police UK, has been subtitled in Japanese and over 100,000 retweeted in Japanese Twitter community.

A journalist, one of the closest to the PM of Japan, has been accused of rape which happened two years ago. And apparently he wasn’t arrested for some reason even though he was almost about to be arrested.  This news has got highly focused on internet in Japan since last week.

“High-profile journalist with close Abe ties accused of rape” [The Japan Times / May 30, 2017]

“レイプ告白「あの夜、なにがあったのか」詩織さんと山口氏 それぞれに聞いた” [Buzz Feed News / Jun 1, 2017](おそらく現状日本語で最も詳しい記事です)

It’s so awful that this affair would’ve been forgotten in the society unless this woman, the victim, had courageously appeared in front of cameras and accused him with her own voice.

Watching people’s reactions to this accusation, one Twitter user @__for_good__ translated this video in Japanese and released it on her/his own account.

While I’ve been disgusted with too many things happening unfairly under the current administration,  I’m happy that this kind of “illuminating” and “educational” video has got to be widely spread among people in Japan.

I would say, as a heavy Twitter user in Japanese language, getting 100,000 retweets is not easy for a Tweet which mention something about politics or education. Usually such tweets are shared just among a small part of people, who regularly discuss this kind of topics on internet.

However, as the result shows, what this video tells us hasn’t be regarded as something should be discussed among few academic people, but something generally important and understandable.

The tricks contained in this video mean a lot.  It doesn’t look like a typical “illuminating” stuff, it is so simple as only a figure of stick man appears, it never mention which person is man or woman…

All of these factors would have worked really well to many people.  Finally this video easily brings us to think about rape which happens in a case that a victim is unconscious because of alcohol, sick or drug.

And actually I do want to praise the person who created this Japanese subtitled version.  Simply I think, he/she did brilliant translation.

My favorite part is,「紅茶は要らない ただそれだけのことです」translated from, “They just don’t want tea. Okay? ”

What she/he’s done means a lot to many people, including me.  :)

刑法の一部を改正する法律案(the bill which amends the part of the criminal law)

旧刑法176条ほか(the former version of the criminal law in Japan)


#SexEducation #Consent #Rape #Japan #性教育 #セックスの同意 #メディア

投票先が決まる時 / When you finally decide who to vote for

(日本語 / English ←Click to jump!)













Tomorrow, people are going to have a really important election in Japan, which is for electing the members of the House of Councillors (“Sangiin” in Japanese).

Not everybody living in Japan, since having Japanese nationality is necessary for voting, but many people over 18 years old would go voting tomorrow, July 10th. The early voting had already started though.

I guess many people have been seriously concerned about politics and realized the importance of voting because of the recent political situation, both domestic and international.  Brexit was a really shocking news for many people in Japan as well as in other countries.

But at the same time a lot of people may have been confused about politics and discouraged to vote, because of the severe conflict between the conservative and the progressive ideologies around the world.

I do know that information on internet is too much complicated. There are so many shabby false rumors and slanders which just offend politicians and make people confused.

But just don’t forget, what kind of society YOU want to have.
I’m sure that it is nice to talk with somebody around you about voting or ask somebody about politics if you’ve been too much confused and tired to think about it.

You don’t have to be forced to discuss with others, but you don’t have to stay alone to think about it as well.
Don’t hesitate to express your mind, and please don’t give up to think about politics.


#GoVote #選挙