「論客31人」が全員男性.. 女性は?



” あえて言えば、「31人」に女性が一人も入らなかったこと自体が問題なのではない。この企画自体が日本を代表するもの、というわけではないのだし、編集部が独自の視点で選択した人々である。どのような基準でそうしたのかは筆者には分からないが、編集部には自由に人を選び、本を制作する権利がある。「この人の意見を掲載するべき」という基準で選んだ時に、「トップ31人」の枠に女性は入らなかったのかもしれない。女性に声をかけても、「参加したくない」といった人がいたのかもしれない。



今後の社会を作っていくときに、「女性が普通にその場(提言の場)にいること」は非常に重要だと思う。 ”

(小林 恭子 「日本の『経験と知識に裏打ちされたキーパーソン』31人が全員男性 性の平等には『見える化』努力必要」 2020-07-13 )


“Little Women”(2019) : Female Relationship, Secret Thoughts exploding

Just want to make sure that I am not faking anything..

I have faked too much…

That is what I was thinking when I reached to the point that I cannot stop crying while watching the film today at the theater.

But besides, no matter how faithful I have been to myself or not enough,
here is what this movie taught me,

women are great, and being a woman is amazing.

I should watch this film over and over again whenever I find any kind of misogyny towards myself. I am sure that then I can forget about it.

Though I was crying for almost the whole time in the latter half of the movie,
the first scene that made me cry was the scene where Jo stayed with Beth on the shore and read a story for her.
Then I realized that what I had been touched from the entire “something” of this movie besides the story line was that..

I miss women, I miss all my female friends and female friendship.

The beautiful soul of each of the sisters and their relationships, and the MOTHER played by Laura Dern…
It just truly made me realize how female relationship has been important to me.

As a 30 year old who got ‘married’ with a male partner (*Technically I am not ‘married’ though. We only have common-law marriage relationship to avoid changing surname) and is currently struggling in decision making for my career,
there are just too many things that hit me in this film and they were literally everything that I am worried of and I question in my daily life right now.

It is not easy to share my true feelings as being a woman with him,
I wonder if I have been really faithful to myself,
I wonder if I have been faking myself or faking something to him..
I sometimes truly believe I would be a different person if I get out of this home..

What if.. I chose the different option
What if I had an idea being partners with a woman
What if…

This film is such an ‘evil’ that pulls all of these secret thoughts of mine into tears.

I am so glad that I went to see this one at the theater today.
I am sure that this would stay as one of the most important films for me and I will be inspired forever.
Thank you so so so much to all the creators for delivering this story to the world.

There are some natures too lofty to bend.

― Margaret “Marmee” March  (“Little Women” 2019 )

#movie #justwatched #映画 #感想 #Little Women #ストーリーオブマイライフ #わたしの若草物語 #女性 #姉妹 #女同士

Teach Girls ―優しい子でいることよりも―



自分自身の安全と安心を優先して大丈夫だよ —







“Teach girls to prioritize feeling safe over being nice.”


#sexeducation #性教育 #性的同意 #DV #性暴力 #女子 #女性 #名言

他者を理解しようとする営みだけが -『ちはやふる』感想 -




※ ネタバレ注意としておきます ※


42巻。名人戦・クイーン戦 前夜祭での、詩暢ちゃん・千早のスピーチと、協会女性たちの声。

◇かるた名人に粂原さん クイーンは山下さん連覇(毎日新聞)

読んでいた時はそれを知らず、さすが末次さん、それぞれの生き方を選びながら競技かるたに向き合い続ける様々な女性たちの姿を大事に描いてきた末次さんだからこそ、、これをネタにする構想が初めからあったのかな..? とだけ思っていたんだけど。。

「団体戦も 個人戦も 男女の差のない 競技かるたに育てられました」








学問を 他者を









#ちはやふる #末次由紀 #感想 #ブログ #名言 #フェミニズム 

Study like GRANGER

My school got finally started this Monday.
The lectures are interesting since many of the methodologies are tallen on the basis of the lecturer’s experiences.

Ms. Granger has been on my wallpaper since the end of last year.
I can’t find any other person who I admire more than her in terms of studying.
She may judge my accomplishment when I leave Canada.
Work hard, myself.

#StudyLikeGranger #TESOL

CONSENT, it’s simple as tea (日本語ver.)

This video, created in 2015 by Thames Valley Police UK, has been subtitled in Japanese and over 100,000 retweeted in Japanese Twitter community.

A journalist, one of the closest to the PM of Japan, has been accused of rape which happened two years ago. And apparently he wasn’t arrested for some reason even though he was almost about to be arrested.  This news has got highly focused on internet in Japan since last week.

“High-profile journalist with close Abe ties accused of rape” [The Japan Times / May 30, 2017]

“レイプ告白「あの夜、なにがあったのか」詩織さんと山口氏 それぞれに聞いた” [Buzz Feed News / Jun 1, 2017](おそらく現状日本語で最も詳しい記事です)

It’s so awful that this affair would’ve been forgotten in the society unless this woman, the victim, had courageously appeared in front of cameras and accused him with her own voice.

Watching people’s reactions to this accusation, one Twitter user @__for_good__ translated this video in Japanese and released it on her/his own account.

While I’ve been disgusted with too many things happening unfairly under the current administration,  I’m happy that this kind of “illuminating” and “educational” video has got to be widely spread among people in Japan.

I would say, as a heavy Twitter user in Japanese language, getting 100,000 retweets is not easy for a Tweet which mention something about politics or education. Usually such tweets are shared just among a small part of people, who regularly discuss this kind of topics on internet.

However, as the result shows, what this video tells us hasn’t be regarded as something should be discussed among few academic people, but something generally important and understandable.

The tricks contained in this video mean a lot.  It doesn’t look like a typical “illuminating” stuff, it is so simple as only a figure of stick man appears, it never mention which person is man or woman…

All of these factors would have worked really well to many people.  Finally this video easily brings us to think about rape which happens in a case that a victim is unconscious because of alcohol, sick or drug.

And actually I do want to praise the person who created this Japanese subtitled version.  Simply I think, he/she did brilliant translation.

My favorite part is,「紅茶は要らない ただそれだけのことです」translated from, “They just don’t want tea. Okay? ”

What she/he’s done means a lot to many people, including me.  :)

刑法の一部を改正する法律案(the bill which amends the part of the criminal law)

旧刑法176条ほか(the former version of the criminal law in Japan)


#SexEducation #Consent #Rape #Japan #性教育 #セックスの同意 #メディア