Being educated

Thank you so much to all my friends who keep me educated.
Since I was not really online active since the quarantine began and was not even reading things a lot being so exhausted from the work.
Just having started thinking of better life for myself seriously (yea I finally got determined to quit my current job asap), I came back a little to the online last week, and now this. So many powerful statements of my friends around the world make me educated, empowered and they make me feel that I want to learn more and more, use my time for the things that I really care, and get myself back, again. Thank you.

#blacklivesmatter #listen #beeducated




My friend said to me :

” People are always forced to be great and perfect, to have a dream.
A lot of people say, “I have to…,” “I need to improve…”

It is an important thing to pursue what you want to be, but we don’t have to say it all the time.

Just enjoy your favorite time, having fun with friends, going outside, singing or dancing.
Because no one knows what will happen tomorrow. We might be dead tomorrow.

People should have that sort of balance. ”

#deepcove #thankyoufriend