1 Film in 2 days

Apparently I’ve already watched seven films since I moved to my shared flat, that means almost one film in two days, mostly because of my roommate, who studies in Vancouver Film School and has already watched more than 1400 films in his life ever.lol
Not to mention I am super happy for this because I’ve been willing to watch more and more movies since last year! But I’d never expected to share a room with such cool people here. It is very interesting to hear the stories from them about movies and what they are learning at school.

I took the photo above with my new camera, PowerShot G7X MarkⅡ, and the tripod which my roommate was using for his work at the film school.
This was my first try of taking a long-exposure photo. It was much faster to learn it from him than by reading the manual book.

★The list of the films I’ve ever watched

#movies #photos #AwesomeRoommates

Author: rei2017blog

born in 1989.

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