Study like GRANGER

My school got finally started this Monday.
The lectures are interesting since many of the methodologies are tallen on the basis of the lecturer’s experiences.

Ms. Granger has been on my wallpaper since the end of last year.
I can’t find any other person who I admire more than her in terms of studying.
She may judge my accomplishment when I leave Canada.
Work hard, myself.

#StudyLikeGranger #TESOL

“Nowruz” Iranian New Year Celebration

The sweeeetest people I’ve ever met in Vancouver…..

My new friends, who I had met at the Iranian new year party in SFU on the other day, invited me to another party, which was at home of one of them.
As you can see the pictures, it was literally a wonderful time!


There were just her family and their three Iranian friends and I was the only newcomer.
I still don’t know why I could be there.. but I appreciate their kindness so so much, simply that they had got interested in me, shared the time with me, and texted me on the next day to invite me to their pretty much private home party, and let me experience another cool thing..!


I also got a new super-young friend of mine, who is her four-year-old son💛
I’ll never forget his presentation about a vacuum machine..  He used a chair to resemble a vacuum machine and was copying some advertisement TV show (probably), selling it for $160…. That was awesome. lol

Every time I get invited to a home party like this, I always wish I can do the same thing at my own house in the future. 😉

#Nowruz #Norooz #IranianCulture #HomeParty #KindestPeople

1 Film in 2 days

Apparently I’ve already watched seven films since I moved to my shared flat, that means almost one film in two days, mostly because of my roommate, who studies in Vancouver Film School and has already watched more than 1400 films in his life
Not to mention I am super happy for this because I’ve been willing to watch more and more movies since last year! But I’d never expected to share a room with such cool people here. It is very interesting to hear the stories from them about movies and what they are learning at school.

I took the photo above with my new camera, PowerShot G7X MarkⅡ, and the tripod which my roommate was using for his work at the film school.
This was my first try of taking a long-exposure photo. It was much faster to learn it from him than by reading the manual book.

★The list of the films I’ve ever watched

#movies #photos #AwesomeRoommates

How to Explain Why I am Here

I’m realizing the reason why I didn’t even want to talk to my friends about what I was doing in Canada.

I’ve been feeling weird all the time since I had landed here even though I am doing the goddamn thing I had dreamed to do for a long time.
Because I was unable to explain enough why I came here and why I was trying to master English and why I was going to take TESOL courses at school.
I couldn’t specifically explain the reason of them, like “I want to improve my English because I want to do xxx.. in my future.”
I didn’t know what would come after this and what kind of results I would be able to get after finishing this whole experiences being out of Japan.
I couldn’t imagine anything that I would be able to do with being bilingual and discovering some tips about multicultural education.
It made me even a little sad to be unable to explain the purpose of one of the most important journeys in my life.

But now I can say this clearly, any of my potential dreams were not like a thing I could do because of my English or because I could be bilingual.
In terms of language study, my real goal is not only mastering Japanese and English. It is not enough. What I really aim to is to get at least one more, one more language, to be multilingual.
My goal would be way beyond what I can do with mastering English.
Because I know that it would not be enough for becoming an acknowledged human resource in this 21st century right now.
And because I want to stop thinking only about Japan.
I want to be soaked in the other world at least to be willing to change something other than Japanese society and to be truly able to compare Japan and the other.

Then how should I explain the reason why I’m tying to master English right now?
It would be better to say without any hesitation, “because I wanted to keep myself multicultural.”
I don’t want to destroy one of my multicultural parts anymore, which might have remained inside me if I had tried to keep it.
I wanted to be a multicultural person even if I lived in Japan and my mother tongue was Japanese and I was Japanese and my face looked like Japanese.
Because I spent part of my life overseas and I have had an ability to speak another language in addition to Japanese.
This is a very private reason of my own and not about my future job or something related to a contribution to the others. (It may be a tiny contribution to the Japanese society and the world to be one kind of multicultural Japanese person, though.)
I should believe that what I want to do for the other people in the world is something beyond my imagination which I can have right now,
and that is what I need to find out from now without rushing, little by little.

I’ve been thinking my third language would be Korean language for some reason.
Though I haven’t tried to start studying it hard yet, I expect it to be happened sooner or later 🙂

#ThinkBIG #Multilingual