“What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” / 『ギルバート・グレイプ』(1993)

(English & 日本語)

Though we feel wonderful and also even weird (!) to watch young Leonardo DiCaprio and young Johnny Depp playing charming brotherhood, anyways, it’s a nice film.

“What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”, 今から24年も前の映画です。邦題は、主人公の名前の『ギルバード・グレイプ』。
原題のWhat’s Eating というのは、”What’s bothering you?”(何が君を困らせてるの?/ 何を悩んでいるの?) の”bother”と同じように使われる”eat”で、

I straightly fell in love with Becky’s voice and the way she speaks, performed by Juliette Lewis. Since I usually speak busily and can’t really speak smoothly, probably I admire such a person who can speak calmly and slowly anytime.. lol
She is so independent and cool, and also sweet. I love the moment she said, “good..” at Lamson’s grocery store..

Not to mention young Leo’s acting as Arnie, Gilbert’s brother with autism, was amazing.
As we can see some positive comments on the YouTube videos from the people who’ve been close to an autistic person as a family or a friend, Leo should have done a remarkable job.

And I personally like all Johnny’s facial expressions as Gilbert, the person who had already given up a lot of things because of his family and could not even tell what he himself had actually wanted to do.




#映画 #movie #感想 #autism #自閉症

Author: rei2017blog

born in 1989.

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